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Focus Groups

By Zac Grubbe June 03, 2021 03:08 PM
A focus group is a group of potential users that are brought together to discuss how they currently use, or would use, your product. Though focus groups seem like a helpful source of information...

How to Communicate Business Value of Design

By Samantha Prince June 03, 2021 03:17 PM
As designers, we are experts of user experience, design aesthetics, and stakeholder needs. The part we are typically unsure of is understanding the real business value of what we do best.

Inclusive Design

February 08, 2022 09:16 AM
Inclusive design describes methodologies to create products that understand and enable people of all backgrounds and abilities. It may address accessibility, age, economic situation, geographic location, language, race, and more.

Information Architecture

By Zac Grubbe June 15, 2021 05:04 PM
Finding information is one of the main reasons people visit websites, so organizing web information is extremely important.

Jobs to Be Done Personas

By  Judith Westwood June 03, 2021 03:48 PM
Persona creation usually focuses on defining the characteristics of a group of users. Although understanding who your users are is a good baseline, understanding what they’re trying to accomplish and why...

Master the Art of Headings to Boost UX

By Madison Moulder June 03, 2021 03:57 PM
Think about what you do when you look at a page and see a never-ending chunk of unbroken text. A non-stop flow of information and shortened attention span means that you don’t read content...


By Zac Grubbe June 03, 2021 04:04 PM
Metrics are synthesized from the raw data gathered from research and used to inform both original designs and changes to new designs.

Paper Prototyping

By Mallory Clinger June 03, 2021 04:16 PM
A paper prototype is a first-draft paper version of whatever you’re setting out to create and should be the first step in bringing your designs into the physical world.